Fisher Investments UK Talk
At Fisher Investments UK, it is our opinion that many investment advisors fall short of meeting investors’ expectations. Consequently, our organization strives to connect investors with portfolio management services that are tailored specifically to their needs and supported by a world-class client service team.
Established in 2000, Fisher Investments UK extends the services of it’s parent company, Fisher Investments, to UK investors. Founded in 1979 by investment guru Ken Fisher, Fisher Investments is a US-based investment adviser serving both individual and institutional investors. As of June 2018, Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries manage over $100 billion in assets for more than 45,000 private clients worldwide.
Fisher Investments offers a client-first approach, providing a tailored portfolio strategy designed to meet each investor’s individual objectives. Clients receive highly attentive service—working directly with investment counsellors who take time to understand each client’s personal situations and needs. These counsellors stay in regular contact with all clients, keeping them informed about their portfolios and movements in the wider financial markets.
Fisher Investments and Fisher Investments UK also offer clients many types of educational resources, including webinars, seminars, research reports, market commentary and more. Through these materials the Fisher organization aims to help clients better understand the reasoning behind the portfolio strategy, so they can become more comfortable with the Fisher philosophy and approach.
Fisher Investments UK extends some of its educational resources to Citywire and several other financial publications throughout Europe and beyond. To learn more about Fisher Investments UK and the services of Fisher Investments or to access our free investing guides, visit us at
Fisher Investments UK: providing investment knowledge and insights to investors.

Low Rates and Dividend Cuts: Solving the COVID Retirement Income Conundrum
COVID-19, the associated lockdowns and the government-directed attempts to ease the negative impact on economies have had a huge effect on many aspects of our lives. One, which may be easy for some to overlook, is on financial planning. This is perhaps most true of...
Expect Persistent Pessimism When the Next Bull Market Starts
Whenever this bear market (a prolonged, fundamentally driven broad equity market decline of at least -20%) ends—and it may have by the time you read this—we expect few to believe it. Even after data later—potentially much later—start to reflect improving economic...
Will High and Rising Unemployment Derail an Equity Market Recovery?
The economic disruptions tied to the world’s well-intended coronavirus response have wreaked havoc on jobs. Millions filed for unemployment benefits in America, Spain and Italy in March and early April.i One million Canadians lost their jobs at around the same time,...
Is ‘Home Country Bias’ Ramping Up Your Equity Risk?
The decade-long global bull market ended suddenly and dramatically in February, as the shutdown of businesses in reaction to COVID-19’s spread caused massive economic disruptions across the globe. The declines have been swift and jarring, which likely has many equity...
Fisher Investments UK’s Perspective on Sovereign Credit Rating Downgrades
As several countries announce giant packages of tax relief and increased public spending to cushion their economies from the impact of COVID-19 containment efforts, most financial news commentary we have seen presumes these governments will pay for these efforts by...
To See Through Big Numbers, Just Do Small Math
Whenever there is news coverage of events with a financial impact, we see big numbers. The Australian wildfires are estimated to have caused A$4.4 billion in damages so far.i Germany’s budget surplus hit €13.5 billion in 2019.ii Italy has to sell €50 billion worth of...
What Causes Inflation?
What Causes Inflation? With eurozone inflation below the ECB’s target of just under 2%, explanations—and policy solutions—abound amongst financial publications we review regularly. To help you understand the situation, here is a guide to what inflation is and what...
How to Benchmark Your Portfolio
What is the best way to measure your portfolio’s performance? Comparing starting and later portfolio values over a select period of time? Or how your performance squares with someone else’s, like your neighbour’s? Whilst these approaches may seem logical, we think...
Why a Shrinking Workforce Doesn’t Assure Stagnation
Much of the academic literature we have reviewed posits demographics determine long-term economic growth. Rising populations mean more demand for just about everything: food, housing, clothing, energy, medical care, services—you name it. It also means a rising...
China’s Economic Outlook: What Does It Mean for Europe?
Will a weakening Chinese economy hurt European exporters and drive a new continental recession? Fisher Investments UK has seen this question pondered throughout financial news outlets in recent months, especially as eurozone manufacturing readings…
What Does New Leadership Mean for the ECB?
Mario Draghi steps down as ECB President at October’s end, and outgoing IMF head Christine Lagarde is set to take his place. Since EU leaders nominated her over the summer, we have seen many financial pundits try to assess what her appointment will mean for the ECB’s...
What Is With Negative Yielding Debt?
Increasingly, many developed world countries’ fixed-interest securities’ yields have gone sub-zero. German government debt yields are currently negative out to 17 years.i Japanese? 15 years.ii Whilst negative long-term rates in Germany and Japan aren’t particularly...
Why We Think Getting on With Brexit Should Help Britain’s Economy
Over two months after UK and EU leaders delayed Brexit, things are looking a bit grim, in our view. UK politics seem in chaos to us. Factories are reeling, with April factory output its lowest since 2002, causing monthly gross domestic product (GDP, a...
A Primer on Yield Curves: What They Are and How They Affect You
The yield curve charts a country’s interest rates across all loan maturities—from short-term rates set by the central bank to long-term government bond rates traded in the marketplace. It is widely thought to be a…
Spring Showers Bring May Myths
Spring has sprung! And with the warmer temperatures, sunnier days and budding flowers we expect another yearly regularity to hit soon: financial media’s warnings you should exit equities before the annual summer doldrums hit markets – to sell, that is, in May. But in...
How Compound Growth Works
Legend has it Albert Einstein called compound growth the eighth wonder of the world—“the most powerful force in the universe.” However, you don’t need to be a genius to understand how compounding works. Compounding’s core concept is earning a return on returns. Take...
European Populism Probably Doesn’t Threaten Markets
In early February, Italian Co-Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio met with France’s Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protestors. The leader of the populist Five Star Movement (M5S) thus triggered a diplomatic row, with French Prime Minister…
Evidence for Growth in Seven Charts
Is a global recession lurking behind 2018’s volatility? Our survey of financial media publications suggests many believe so, seeing slowdowns in some economic data as evidence. But whilst recession fears may have risen, a look at a broad swath of data doesn't support...
China’s Economic Outlook: What Does It Mean for Europe?
What Is With Negative Yielding Debt?
A Primer on Yield Curves: What They Are and How They Affect You
Spring Showers Bring May Myths
Evidence for Growth in Seven Charts
Eurozone Growth Chugging Along
Overlooked Positive Trade Developments
The Economy Isn’t the Market
A Different Perspective on Political Risk
An Investing Lesson From Amazon’s Recent Milestone
Productivity Doesn’t Drive the Economy or Markets
Rule, Britannia?
What Does New Leadership Mean for the ECB?
Why We Think Getting on With Brexit Should Help Britain’s Economy
Eurozone Sentiment Underrates Reality
How Compound Growth Works
Don’t Fret QE’s End
What Moves Markets Most May Surprise You
Familiarity Doesn’t Reduce Risk
Gold Doesn’t Shine as an Investment for Long-Term Investors
Parsing Media’s Market Metaphors
Why Reinvestment Risk Matters for Fixed Interest Investors
Asset Allocation for the Long Run
For Equities, UK Politics Are a Tug of War
What is Fisher Investments UK’s investment approach?
What are Fisher Investments UK’s fees?
What are Fisher Investments UK’s contact details?
Rule, Britannia?
Fisher Investments Europe Limited, trading as Fisher Investments UK, is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Number 191609) and is registered in England (Company Number 3850593). Fisher Investments Europe Limited has its registered office at: 2nd Floor, 6-10 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 2RE, United Kingdom.
Investment management services are provided by Fisher Investments UK’s parent company, Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments, which is established in the US and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Investing in equity markets involves the risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any invested capital will be repaid.