Fisher Investments UK Talk
At Fisher Investments UK, it is our opinion that many investment advisors fall short of meeting investors’ expectations. Consequently, our organization strives to connect investors with portfolio management services that are tailored specifically to their needs and supported by a world-class client service team.
Established in 2000, Fisher Investments UK extends the services of it’s parent company, Fisher Investments, to UK investors. Founded in 1979 by investment guru Ken Fisher, Fisher Investments is a US-based investment adviser serving both individual and institutional investors. As of June 2018, Fisher Investments and its subsidiaries manage over $100 billion in assets for more than 45,000 private clients worldwide.
Fisher Investments offers a client-first approach, providing a tailored portfolio strategy designed to meet each investor’s individual objectives. Clients receive highly attentive service—working directly with investment counsellors who take time to understand each client’s personal situations and needs. These counsellors stay in regular contact with all clients, keeping them informed about their portfolios and movements in the wider financial markets.
Fisher Investments and Fisher Investments UK also offer clients many types of educational resources, including webinars, seminars, research reports, market commentary and more. Through these materials the Fisher organization aims to help clients better understand the reasoning behind the portfolio strategy, so they can become more comfortable with the Fisher philosophy and approach.
Fisher Investments UK extends some of its educational resources to Citywire and several other financial publications throughout Europe and beyond. To learn more about Fisher Investments UK and the services of Fisher Investments or to access our free investing guides, visit us at
Fisher Investments UK: providing investment knowledge and insights to investors.

Fisher Investments UK Reviews Why Returns Aren’t Mean Reverting
Mean reversion fallacies often plague financial headlines. However, investors are better off analysing what may lie ahead rather than past price movements. Fisher Investments UK reviews the concept of mean reversion and how investors should consider it when making financial decisions.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Investment Returns
Price movements aren’t the only factor investors should take into consideration. Fisher Investments UK reviews how total return, price changes plus reinvested dividends, can paint a more complete financial picture.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Metals’ Prowess as an Economic Indicator
Fisher Investments UK reviews whether metals prices can predict a shift in economic growth trends.
Fisher Investments UK Doesn’t Overrate Singular Events’ Economic Impact
Headlines tend to sensationalise the financial impact of one-off events, such as a global pop concert or a natural disaster. Fisher Investments UK analyses the temporary effects investors may anticipate.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Why Demographics Don’t Doom Markets
As the world’s population changes, what does that mean for an economy? Population trends ebb and flow in every country, however, demographics may not be the market driver investors think it is.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Equity Bubbles
What is an equity bubble? How can investors navigate discussions around them? Fisher Investments UK reviews how investors can gauge sentiment against reality to determine whether a bubble is forming.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews How Investors Can Fall Prey to Myopic Loss Aversion
Fisher Investments UK reviews how myopic loss aversion, feeling the pain of loss far more than the satisfaction of winning, can hinder long-term financial goals by tempting investors to exit the market amidst negative volatility.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews the Sentiment Cycle
Investor sentiment is just one of several market drivers Fisher Investments UK reviews when determining the phase of a market cycle. Sentiment evolves alongside equity market cycles to form four stages: Pessimism, Scepticism, Optimism and Euphoria.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews the Risks of Home-Country Bias
Fisher Investments UK reviews how diversifying globally, rather than solely in one’s country, can mitigate portfolio risk. We recommend expanding investor’s opportunity set by resisting the urge to invest domestically.
Reality Versus Hype: Fisher Investments UK Reviews Clean Energy
Despite the attempts to promote clean energy efforts, equities show the profit reality over recent years. Fisher Investments UK reviews the reasons why expectations have fallen short.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Why Regional Conflicts Rarely Wreck Equities
Regional conflicts, though devasting, generally do not negatively impact markets long-term. Fisher Investments UK reviews various market history examples to demonstrate.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Why Equities and GDP Don’t Move in Lockstep
Governments use gross domestic product (GDP) to measure economic activity and output, which matters to equities. But in Fisher Investments UK’s reviews of the economy and markets, we find they don’t always move in sync. With commentators we follow warning weak...
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Greece’s Classification Odyssey
Over a decade ago, Greece’s sovereign debt crisis cost the nation its developed-market status. Today, the country is vying for reclassification, Fisher Investments UK reviews.
Fisher Investments UK reviews dividends as an investment strategy
Dividend-income often attracts investors. Fisher Investments UK reviews this investment strategy, cautioning investors against making larger portfolio decisions based on dividends.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews How to Spot and Avoid Financial Scams
Fisher Investments UK reviews different kinds of financial fraud worldwide and provides guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls. We think that knowing more about criminals’ common tactics can help investors avoid them.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews the Bounce Effect and How Investors Can Use it
The Bounce Effect – what falls furthest in a bear market generally bounces the highest during the subsequent bull market’s initial recovery – is a phenomenon investors can use to help decide how to position their portfolio when participating in a new bull market.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Market History as a Useful Tool for Investors
“History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes”. Fisher Investments UK reviews market history as a tool for informing portfolio decisions. History looks to the past as a guide for what can happen now, allowing investors to focus on probabilities, not possibilities.
Fisher Investments UK Reviews Manufacturing’s Contribution to the Modern Economy
Fisher Investments UK doesn’t discount manufacturing or its role in the global economy; however, we believe that investors benefit from scaling manufacturing and services’ respective influence on economic output
China’s Economic Outlook: What Does It Mean for Europe?
What Is With Negative Yielding Debt?
A Primer on Yield Curves: What They Are and How They Affect You
Spring Showers Bring May Myths
Evidence for Growth in Seven Charts
Eurozone Growth Chugging Along
Overlooked Positive Trade Developments
The Economy Isn’t the Market
A Different Perspective on Political Risk
An Investing Lesson From Amazon’s Recent Milestone
Productivity Doesn’t Drive the Economy or Markets
Rule, Britannia?
What Does New Leadership Mean for the ECB?
Why We Think Getting on With Brexit Should Help Britain’s Economy
Eurozone Sentiment Underrates Reality
How Compound Growth Works
Don’t Fret QE’s End
What Moves Markets Most May Surprise You
Familiarity Doesn’t Reduce Risk
Gold Doesn’t Shine as an Investment for Long-Term Investors
Parsing Media’s Market Metaphors
Why Reinvestment Risk Matters for Fixed Interest Investors
Asset Allocation for the Long Run
For Equities, UK Politics Are a Tug of War
What is Fisher Investments UK’s investment approach?
What are Fisher Investments UK’s fees?
What are Fisher Investments UK’s contact details?
Rule, Britannia?
Fisher Investments Europe Limited, trading as Fisher Investments UK, is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Number 191609) and is registered in England (Company Number 3850593). Fisher Investments Europe Limited has its registered office at: 2nd Floor, 6-10 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 2RE, United Kingdom.
Investment management services are provided by Fisher Investments UK’s parent company, Fisher Asset Management, LLC, trading as Fisher Investments, which is established in the US and regulated by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. Investing in equity markets involves the risk of loss and there is no guarantee that all or any invested capital will be repaid.